May 2021 – new members in our Boots Family

May 2021

Throughout May 2021 we introduced to you four new Ladies who joined the AROLLO Boots Family. So we can say May 2021 was the month of the Family. It´s always a pleasure when Ladies from all over the world send us their application. To be a part of AROLLO´s still growing Boots Family is a  pleasure and a privilege so many Ladies want. Sometimes the decisions are really hard to make as to who will and who will not make it into the family. For four Ladies from Italy, Argentina and Germany was May 2021 the month they made it. And we are very happy to have them all four in our Family. 

It is always important to us to show how versatile AROLLO boots can be used. So it is our special concern to welcome women from different areas of the fashion world, the fetish scene and adult entertainment with us. Saylis del Mar and Martyna Boni, both from Italy, are Ladies who cover the Fetish area. Ivana Bedini, from Argentina stands for the world of fashion. Last but not least, Miss Alessa Milano is a strong and confident woman from adult entertainment. We dedicated a separate blog article to all four Ladies. You can read all articles here. Of course, there are some hot pictures added to every story. 

If you want to become a new member in the exclusive AROLLO Boots Family send us your application with some pictures to

News up to date:

We give you the opportunity to win back 100% of your purchase. Everyone who completes a order in June 2021 has the chance to win back 100% of the purchase. Details you will find under 

Last Update: 28. May 2021 • AROLLO Boots

TOP 3 Overknee Boots 2018, The opinion of our customers, Germany´s Fab 3

Aroll ocustomers

AROLLO Top 3 Overknee Boots 2018:

Before we go to the opinion of our customers, we want to present you the Top 3 Overknee Boots 2018. It was a big surprise, when we held the evaluation of the most successful Overknee Boots 2018 in our hands. No one thought that the Overknee Lady Olga would be the number one. Certainly not, Certainly not, because these boots were not sold until the end of June. So they only needed 6 month to became AROLLO´s most sold Overknee Boots style in 2018. Read here more about the Top 3 Overknee styles….

AROLLO and the opinion of our customers:

Already at the beginning of 2019, we started an survey among our customers. We wanted to find out, what the reason was for them to buy AROLLO Boots and what is so different to other companies. It was a surprise, how many customers took the chance and sent back the answered questions. It took us some weeks to evaluate the submissions. Here you can read the result…

Germany´s Fab 3 AROLLO Boots Models:

Germany is one of our main market. That´s why it is always a pleasure when we receive applications from German Ladies from the fashion and fetish scene. In the past years, we made cooperation with several Ladies. All of those cooperation’s where successful, and helped a lot to make the brand AROLLO better know in our neighbor country.  It´s a pleasure to introduce to you the Fab 3 AROLLO Boots Models from Germany…..

AROLLO Boots are made for Day and Night:

From the beginning of AROLLO we took care about the design and the optic of our creations. We want to create Boots which are wearable for any occasion – Day and Night. Sure, there are different styling tips to take care of, between day and night. Read here more, of what you need to take care……


Last Update: 1. April 2019 • AROLLO Boots